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Sea Cliff Bridge in Wollongong

Jan 5

Where is Sea Cliff Bridge?

When you take the scenic route from Wollongong's Royal National Park, through to Nowra and onto one of Australia’s iconic coastal roads - Sea Cliff Bridge will be there waiting for you. The 665-metre long structure has become an icon with its stunning views across Moree Bay as well as being home to many memories made by people who drive this road annually!

The Sea Cliff Bridge is an iconic landmark and a great place to get out of the car for those who want some fresh air. This pedestrian bridge offers visitors a chance not only to stretch their legs but also to view migrating whales as they head north or south during season - making this one-stop destination!

During summer months (June-September), take advantage by going before 10 am when there will be fewer people on touristy spots like here at sea cliff

The bus stop on either side of the Sea Cliff Bridge is convenient for those who need a quick ride from one place to another. The Premier Illawarra Bus Number Two provides services Monday through Saturday (not available on public holidays), so you can find out when your favourite service starts with their website or app!

Some history about the Sea Cliff Bridge in NSW

The Sea Cliff Bridge is a 450 meter long, 1.76-mile bridge that connects mainland Australia with New Zealand's North Island and was completed in 2005. The structure consists of five spans made up of concrete piers which were constructed using an innovative method called balanced cantilever; it also has two connecting bridges: firstly the 210 meters long Lawrence Hargrave Drive where this passage sits below ground level so as to avoid carrying any water over navigation risk while secondly there exists another crossing known locally at either end by its total length.

The iconic bridges have drawn an increasing number of tourists in the late 2010s due to social media and bushwalking blogs online. Pioneer Walks published a route off-the-path that is difficult but not impossible to reach, encouraging viewers at home or on vacation nearby to take part by simply following in their footsteps! This past year saw many people follow suit - some even posting pictures along scenic routes like this one guy who got married right below us!"

Some local company in Wollongong involve in developing this bridge is:

Name: Decking Wollongong

Address: 129 Balgownie Rd, Balgownie NSW 2519

Phone: (02) 4263 0673